dimanche 6 novembre 2011

jeudi 20 octobre 2011


Well, I feel it more as art than flash actually.

This one might turn into "dia de los muertos" on that friend's skin

belly bloddy dancer

something I did for the (shitty) shop I was working in.
I quit but I kept this drawing (copy of some famous antic painting)

Then I had this... botanic period? 

this one on tha rm would fit perfect! any of you for that one? ^^ 

and this one... on the back of the neck maybe? 

..ok..... was supposed to be a jellyfish.

occult and alchemy

to see more drawings, paintings, flash and so, 
come and check on 

I'll post new stuff as soon as I remember I have that blog still!
promise you all!

Few works

So here back in France it's kinda hard to fit back the rythme.
I had "holidays" here and I'm working now in Nantes again.
let me post some pics of what I did recently ^^

shadows shadows play

astronautes.  I like the balloons on the original.

some artist copy, under progress 

Japanese charactere (Love)
yes, I do speak japanese actually.

Few free typing

and a cover up

ow and something just for fun haha

mercredi 1 juin 2011

Back to my hometown

So here I am, back in My hometown for few days before I go back to Paris for few days again.
Yea.... on the 6th its System Of A Down's live dude!!!
I will be THE live of the year (of my life?) and I just can't wait to be there!

Here is Alice with the Cheshire cat.... turned down to Cheshire cut! 
Thanks to Cassiel for coming from rouen!

And some lucky star from Kingdom heart! Thanks Yuu for the rose!

vendredi 27 mai 2011


So here I am working a bit in Paris for a week.

Few lettering

 splash and japanese (yes I do write japanese a bit.... tough I talk it better than I write or read it)

And some Marverick psycho hero logo! 
Wolverine clown, the psychopath.
I love graphic stuffs too ^^

samedi 14 mai 2011

Back from far

So here I am, back from a long holiday in Nantes and many many adventures.
After few weeks I'm finally back home.

Here is few of the last works I did.

I finished Julien's cover up!  He's working at the live house/ bar "Scene Michelet" in Nantes.  Check it out! they often have good gigs! Mainly Metal and electro stuffs. (Btw, a 140 people good live house for the ones who want to play in the west coast of France =D ask me!)

Then Ben's art.  A friend of mine wich is artist too who makes designs for some of my customers.  Don't Hesitate ask me for some of them. I'll post some soon ^^ He does designs with only one line.  Its so original and new.

Here we go! Thomas from "the Veil" and ex "Undercoverslut" 
badass drummer!  this one is underconstruction!  I can't wait for the rest of it!
Heal! Heal!  Hurry!

Then one of my fav buddy, true metal chicken shit Mr Ronan <3
Just arranged the tattoo he had.
Yes you can also ask me to just refresh a tattoo!

And some mysterious me, thinking what's gonna be next .....


mardi 26 avril 2011

Strike back

So everybody knows what happened in Japan right?
Here Im back in France then.

Well many maaany things happened and its maybe not the right place to right it.
But here is some pieces I did here ^^


I started this cover up but haven't finished it hehe
Zombie hand.
Too bad that Iphone does only large angle photos.

A little free hand biomechanical.
This customer chosed one of my original drawing and we had MUCH FUN doing this

And a drawing I did (copyright)

mercredi 23 février 2011

Old Tribes from Britanny

As Friend may know, Im originally from Bretagne (Britannty, in France)
So for me the Celt civilisation and tribes are very important.
So as tricky is can be, I love those kind of designs!
Here is a very small piece of Celtic Design.

Well... that is actually what I call not a "tribal" but a "Tribe one"

I went visit Iceland recently and we all know it!s famous for it's Viking history.
Well actually a long time ago Vinkings came to help Celts in Britanny too so I guess they also leaved a bit of this culture in my place before britains kicked them away (history..... big mess)
So I enjoyed tattooing Icelandic runes too

cute isnt it?

vendredi 18 février 2011


Every artist need fresh horizon, new adventure and great lanscape to find good ideas.
So as I had a day off, I decided to leave my pens for a day and go run alone in Hanno's mountains.
I climbed 2 little mountains and made funny videos and get plenty of fresh air in my Technopoliced pomps.

(here's the link for the video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vh5z_JsXfw )

Then yesterday I finished a Tribal.

Im not really fund of Tribals cause in ourdays people forget the real meaning of it.
I like the celtic ones, arborigen ones, real old tribe ones, very simple ones, runes, or modern simples ones again like lines, circles and geometrics symbols.
So when people ask the "the tribal like everybodies do" I prefere arrange it in a more artistic, original and personal way to fit the one asking for it ^-^

Yes cause for any image, there's a cool way to put it in design!

so as Im not as fast as my masters yet, we did this one in 2 times ^^

And I could enjoyed the free style inside the wing

I hurry to see it "dry and healed" soon!

Guest at Home

This week I had my first guest coming here in Deadmunch st. Studio!
His name is Mitazuki from Ajito Tattoo, coming from Okinawa (south Island of Japan).
He worked out all the day long and did good pieces!

ok here is a 2 shot one

>.....>   fair enough

Thanks man for coming here! I'm hurry to go work in Ajito soon!
And thanks Tsubasa for being the one under his needle in my shop!

AJITO TATTOO : http://3rd-c.seesaa.net/